If you have reached that point in your life where you are ready to take back control of your health, I cannot think of a better place to guide you than the International Association for a Disease Free World.
You see? Dr. Rashid Buttar is committed to just that: transform the world so that disease is not part of it. Do you think this is not possible? Well, then I highly recommend you join the IADFW. It will open your mind to other possibilities.
Dr. Buttar’s motto is: make the CHANGE the WORLD is waiting for!
If you want to be part of that change, join the IADFW. It’s free! and the value you get… well, it’s invaluable!
You’ll have access to tones of information you won’t be able to find anywhere else. And after registering for free, you get immediate access to the AHEAD MAP™! This is a Health Assessment tool valued at $300, and you will have free access to it for life! Click on the picture below to learn more.
Dr. Buttar has hosted the Advanced Medicine Conference since 2019, arguably the most important Health and Medicine related event in the world.
The 3rd annual Advanced Medicine Conference took place the last weekend of May 2021, live and online. Now I’m thrilled to share with you free content from the Conference in my Interactive Media Exchange page. Access over 5h of content from the Advanced Medicine Conference 2021 and if you are …
Click the link below to access your free content, and please share with others! This information is life changing …